Moral Implications

While gene altering does seem like an easy fix to many diseases present across the population, there are many ethical dilemmas present within its use.

The first moral dilemma is in regards to testing on human embryos. Before 2016, gene altering was most commonly done on impaired embryos obtained from in vitro fertilization clinics. This was meet with many criticisms over the capacity of human intervention in science. Some believe that this practice poses ethical dilemmas concerning too vast of power in science and technology. Another problem posed with these specific trials were the side effects left upon the embryos in failed attempts. many other genome failures were present in the embryos, causing destruction of the cells. many argue this was unethical due to the loss of functioning embryos.

Another ethical dilemma associated with this new technological concept is “Playing God”. It is inevitable that humans will use technology to alter genetic disabilities. Many fear this will lead to the altering of other unfavorable traits. Changes in eye color, skin color, and overall cosmetic enhancements could become apart of this seemingly beneficial tool. Many fear that this technology can easily get into the wrong peoples hands and further eugenics.